Please prayerfully read the scriptures and articles listed below. Then, where possible, we ask you and your visiting teaching partner to consider giving extra special encouragement to one or two of your assigned sisters. We are asking you to try to make some form of contact with this sister each WEEK of the month (or 4 weeks in a row). As partners, please pray together and possibly fast, if possible, to allow the Spirit to guide you in your efforts.
2 Timothy 1:7
1 Thessalonians 1:3
Mosiah 28:3
Romans 5:3-5
Moroni 10:20-22
Also, we recommend several articles
in the October, 2008 Ensign:
*President Uchtdorf’s article, Developing Christlike Attributes, pp. 5-9.
*Feeding His Sheep Through Visiting Teaching, pp. 68-71.
We feel that the result will be miracles in the lives of the sisters in our stake, and especially in the growing strength of your own faith as you become an instrument in the hands of the Lord.
With Love,
Your Stake Relief Society Presidency
Mosiah 28:3
Romans 5:3-5
Moroni 10:20-22
Also, we recommend several articles
in the October, 2008 Ensign:
*President Uchtdorf’s article, Developing Christlike Attributes, pp. 5-9.
*Feeding His Sheep Through Visiting Teaching, pp. 68-71.
We feel that the result will be miracles in the lives of the sisters in our stake, and especially in the growing strength of your own faith as you become an instrument in the hands of the Lord.
With Love,
Your Stake Relief Society Presidency
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